Friday, August 23, 2013

A Sort of Vacation...

Sometimes, when you don't take the time to set aside a chunk of your life and plan a vacation for yourself, some subconscious part of you eventually takes the reins and forces you to take a kind of mental vacation in your free time. At least, that's what I think must have happened to me this month?

In my free time, I've been totally un-inspired to do anything other than veg by the (new, fancy) TV and watch Gossip Girl on Netflix. There are a lot of seasons (and cute clothes to study)! At first, I was just watching one episode here or there as a way to wind down or relax, but now I've been completely sucked in. All my brain wants to do now to unwind after work or on the weekend is feed its Gossip Girl craving, not sew, not even walk up the stairs to the sewing room/office.


SOME sewing has managed to get done on my friend's matching rayon Laurel top, but nothing to brag about.

You may notice I've added a blog button for The Quirky Peach (Sally is just the cutest) over on my side bar. I'll eventually be providing her with a button for my blog, once I kick my butt in gear and wean myself off of the dang Gossip Girl. If any of you all have blogs and want to swap buttons, send me an email & let me know! I'm happy to post yours up right away and give you mine as soon as it's ready. :)


  1. You know, I tend to beat myself up when I feel in a sewing slump, but hang on a minute! If it's my hobby then I don't have to do it if I'm not feeling it! Hope you are not guilting yourself :D
    Just enjoy your vacation! ;)

    1. You're right, I'm just going to try to enjoy my vacation and return soon. :)

  2. Sometimes we loose our sewing mojo! It happens. I've lost mine to watering the garden/weeding/Breaking Bad. And then suddenly, you need drapes, and BAM it's back on.

    I'd love to swap a button, I better start working on making one, eh?

    1. Yeah! Just send it my way once you've got it. :)

  3. I am totally without sewjo right now. A project for a friend that is UGLY is making me avoid the sewing room like a petulent 8 year old! This too shall the way- it took me way too long to realize that was the disappearing sister in the top left bed quadrant?!

  4. Hahaha I LOVE GG.. Addictive


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